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The History of Sexuality, Vol. 2读Foucault《The History Of Sexuality》

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  • 2023-03-26 08:28:32
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p17 The seventeenth centurythenwas the beginning of an age of repression emblematic of what we call the bourgeois societiesan age which perhaps we still have not completely left behind.


p77 Prince Mongogul,这个是什么典故呢。

p91 福柯对于Method的抽取,从而从常见的law and power的逻辑中跳出来。

p94 a certain number of propositions:

power is not something that is acquiredseizedor sharedsomething that one holds on to or allows to slip away;power is exercised from innumerable pointsin the interplay of noegalitarian and mobile relations.

--Relations of power are not in a position of exteriority with respect to other types of relationships(economic processesknowledge relationshipssexual relations)but are immante int the latter;they are the immidiate effects of the divisionsinequalitiesand disequilibriums which occur in the latterand conversely they are the internal conditions of these differentiations;relations of power are not in superstructural positionswith merely a role of prohibition or accomaniment;they have a directly productive rolewherever they come into play.

--Power comes from below;that is there is no binary and all-encompassing opposition between rulers and ruled at the root of power relationsand serving as a general matrix--no such duality extending from the top down and reacting on more and more limited groups to the very depths of the social body.

--Power relations are both intentional and nonsubjective.

--Where there is powerthere is resistanceand yetor rather consequentlythis resistance is never in a position of exteriority in relation to power.


p125 值得注意bourgeois body


p26 关于道德的很重要一点:它实际上是个体行为的服从和衡量的规则。

p47 注意福柯追溯历史时论述给人带来的精细感。

p51 In any casein the reflection of the Greeks in the classical periodit does seem that the moral problematization of fooddrinkand sexual activity was carried out in a rather similar manner.



p122 Women should therefore marry about the age of eighteenand men at thirty-seven or thereabouts.If those ages are observedunion will begin while the bodies of both partners are still in their prime--Aristotle


p188 We can talk about their "bisexuality" thingking of the free choice they allowed themselves between the two sexesbut for them this option was not referred to a dual ambivalentand "bisexual"structure of desire.To their way of thinkingwhat made it possible to desire a man or a woman was simply the appetite taht nature had implanted in man's heart for "beautiful" human beingswhatever their sex might be.



p4 The Interpretation of Dreams by Artemidorus is the only text that remainsin fullof a literature that was abundant in antiquity:the literature of oneirocriticism.


p32 In order to be "good"the sexual act that one dreams needs to obey a general rule of "isomorphism."Andspeaking schematically stillone may add that this rule takes two forms:"***ogy of postion" and "economic adequation."福柯的论述总是围绕着技术化和经济考量过程而来的,实际上,这是将之前的社会学用以论证体系的合法性的方法抽取出来,从源头开始摧毁整个体系。

p59 And Seneca alludes to a practice which he also speaks of in another letter:brief training periods of "fancied poverty" to be done every month and in the courseof which by voluntarily placing oneself "within the confines of destitution" for three or four daysone experiences a bed of strawcoarse clothingand bread of the lowest quality:"not a gamebut a test"(non lusussed experimentum).One does not deprive oneself for a moment in order to sharpen one's tastefor future refinements but to convince oneself that the worst misfortune will not deprive one of the things one absolutely neneedsand that one will always be able to tolerate what one is capable of enduring at times.


p146 第五章英文版为Wife,中文版为“女人”,为什么呢
