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  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 17:22:57
  • 116


(之前对他的唯一了解是那句著名的The Holy Roman Empire is neither holy nor Roman nor empire.)

Candide是一本让人大笑的书。尽管里面的几位主角都历经磨难,可是憨憨的Candide还是保持着乐观的心态,捍卫着人类那最后一点良知和尊严,笃信Pangloss的“this is the best of all possible worlds”(莱布尼兹的哲学观点)。

"Do you believe" said Cnadide "that men have always massacred each other as they do today that they have always been liars cheats traitors ingrates brigands idiots thieves scoundrels gluttons drukards misers envious ambitious bloody-minded calumniators debauchees fanatics hypocrites and fool?"

"Do you believe" said Martin "that hawks have always eaten pigeons when they have found them?"

"Yes without doubt."

"Well then" said Martin "if hawks have always had the same character why should you imagine that men may have changed thiers?"

"Oh!" said Candide "there is a vast deal of difference for free will..."

曾经欧洲长期混乱无比,欧洲人打来打去自相残杀没完没了。作为“欧洲的良心”,伏尔泰毫不留情得揭露出欧洲人的残忍和愚蠢。Candide跨越了整个地中海去寻找他深爱着的Cunegonde,这期间只在El Dorado那里获得了短暂的幸福---那里无比富饶而且人们与世无争(估计是指印度,西方人一直觊觎东方)。不过我在历史课上也学到,欧洲这段时期恰恰造就了它后来的伟大---各种民族和思想之间互相激烈的竞争必然提高了社会生产率,也促成了他们向外扩张的野心。相比之下,长期闭关锁国自以为是世界中心的中国显然就落后了一大截。

我最喜欢Chapter XXV,讲Candide一行遇到了Lord Pococurante,一个鄙视几乎所有古代圣贤,读书很有自己想法的威尼斯贵族。这章读起来暴爽。



"All that is very well" answered Candide "but let us cultivate our garden."

