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The Remains of the Day《He's got the prepensity to grab readers&#03

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 16:40:33
  • 76

my encouter with the Remains of the Day dated back to the lousy-curriculum-ccupied sophomore year.my first turn of the page immediately got me into this hopeless infatuation of the tone of this bookvulnerable and almost panthologically self-control.there had been a great arousal because deep down inside my heating heart and squirming cellsi did relate to this bulter.i understand the pain of uttering words against my wills just to maintain the generally accepted image of "me".i understand there are inescapable duties in our lives.nonethelesstill the end of the day will i just be a robot that just automatically and relentlessly accomplishes its missions without a genuine and careful look of wat its worth.

if the parameters of a good book is touching one's heart and leaving one rethinking abt his/her own life from a totally different anglethen i would like to proudly present my finding:it is a great great book.
