这是一本能让人静下心来,在新英格兰夏日的星期天,一个bagel,一杯earl grey tea 让我坐上一天阅读的书。
很久没这么闲适了,就像morrie总是提到的-serene-学期中总是在忙碌奔波,很多情况下感觉到的是美国和他们fast-food一样的文化,虽然见面大家都很热情,how you're doing actually they care a shit about how you're actually doing...你还没来得及回答,只感觉身边嗖的一阵风,只留下香水的味道... Another thing I don't like about american culture is that it's really hard to get really close to people. 你可以很快的和别人热烙起来,但很快你会发现你到达了一个瓶颈,无法再更加深入了。我原以为期中的原因是因为我的东方文化背景,读完了Tuesdays with Morrie,我相信这是现在美国社会的通病,同时我也被文中Morrie那种对人与人交往的态度所感动,心中那块柔软的地方被触到了。当你与一个人讲话的时候,只听到他说的话,他的问题,look him into the eye,be compassionate 不让你的思绪飞走,这才是真正人与人的交流。
So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others devote yourself to your community around you and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.
这是我喜欢的一段话。我觉得这是我们每天都要问自己的问题,以检测自己是否偏离了轨迹。Morrie让我想到我现在的生活,这究竟是不是我想要的,我问自己。答案是,我喜欢新英格兰的夏天,偶尔去缅因采点蜗牛和螃蟹,在lab里做着calibrations,每天都有对自然界生物的新发现和惊叹,周末去探索bike trails,去看大篇,或是在绿阴下的bench体会 what Morrie said。我看到外面的世界,也同时有了梦想和追求。但我也想跟我的家人在一起,desperately 那也是我非常想要的。
怎么办呢? I don't know if Morrie has answered that question.
本文由作者笔名:小小评论家 于 2023-03-26 16:28:40发表在本站,文章来源于网络,内容仅供娱乐参考,不能盲信。
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