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The Moon and Sixpence《still no answer》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 16:09:47
  • 76

i read the chinese version with the motivation to seek an answer for the conundrum in my current life.it was not the story i thought it would bebut still my heart was severely beaten not by the determination of the genius but the passion he had for and was clearly aware of what he was meant to do.

put it on my bed and i sat still in my chair.what is my passion?am i able to discover it when i am still breathing?or i will just spend the rest of my life wondering what my real talent is as an ordinary wife and mother and daughter?i dunt wanna end up being a common citizen.i wanna take risks and utilize all my knowledge and talents to do some valuable and meaningful things to the society. but i am not sure about the channel.

he is lucky to find out the passion for his life.i believe people of such kind may not lead a spenlendid or glamourious life in worldly and orgindary stanard but for themselves they have a life that truely fulfill its destiny.

still in quest for the moon.
