一本和Nicholas Sparks风格相似, 或者类似《廊桥遗梦》这样的男人写的love story. 男主人公是个物理学教授,所以每一章开头都有一些科学名人的引语。和要展开的故事还挺契合的。不知道这种做法是否能吸引更多男性读者 ?想起了最近某本被热炒的书,每一章开头都有一句普希金的诗歌。哈哈。
以下是Falling Bodies 里面某些章节前的引语:
I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world.-Albert Einstein
Chapter 1: When the condition of a system in equilibrium are altered the equilibrium will shift in such a way as to attempt to restore the initial condition.--Le Chatelier's principle
Chapter 2: Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a right line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it .--Newton's First Law of Motion
Chapter 3: Force as well as motion is a relative quantity. Gravitation can be interpreted as a distortion in space that surrounds every mass in the universe.--Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity
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