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The Blond Knight of Germany《Love is to wait and to be waited》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 14:30:39
  • 103

When I hold this book so close to my heart I never felt so blessed.

Yet I take my hat off to this very beautiful and brave German woman Ursula Hartmann who waited.

For ten and a half lonely years.

Blond knights of Germany Erich Hartmann Gerhard Barkhorn Adolf Galland Wilhelm Batz Walter Krupinski Gunther Rall Helmut Lipfert Walter Wolfrum.

This is not only the story of Erich or of JG 52 but the history of the Luftwaffe as well.

And I have a very comfused feeling about Hermann Graf the one once so toughwas turned down in the camp. I could not believe this wasn't it him who refused to leave his comrades behind and took his flight back with Erich? He was once a great leader I could imagine what the Russians have done.

It is true that during the war time only soldiers from Germany England America and some other nations knew how to be true fighters not butchers. But the Russians just never knew what a Ritter(knight) is. They never learned about it.

I want to remember all the names but I couldn't.

Wish I was there with them in the camps. I would do the waiting just like Usch did fifty years ago.

I admire Major Hartmann not only for his childish Bubi look but also for his unchangable faith. His faith in his beloved ones.

Hail to thee tiny Bubi.
