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Grifter's Game《精彩的开局-骗徒的交心游戏?》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 14:06:49
  • 77

现在物质极大丰富,有机会有条件接触番石榴文学的骚人们未必听说过所谓的Original Gold Medal Novel。其实,老一辈译者很有几个家中藏有几本Original Gold Medal Novel的。当然,这种“文化私生活用品”,就跟你在被窝筒里边打电筒看的“好书”一样,不会每个人都变态到象施咸荣一样一边吆喝卖“黄色读物”,一边不忘画蛇添足地教训你要以批判的眼光打量全世界劳苦大众是如何生活在水深火热之中的……




当时首印的时候是以书中的蛇蝎女Mona做标题的,后来零零星星翻印的时候还叫过甜蜜凋敝(Sweet Slow Death),骗徒游戏(Grifter's Game)。所以无论说娜书,骗书,死书,其实都是指他这本成名作。虽然以他后来功成名就的马修,雅贼等系列小说来看,这本Block第一次以自己本名出版的作品,实在只能不违心地说勉强算是中游水平。但从开局的寥寥几句,我们还是可以看出作为类型小说作家的他,在市场上以软色情廉价书打拼了那么多年后,其对边缘题材自如的驾驭能力和如行云流水般的傲人笔触。



The oak door swung open and I saw him dressed for work briefcase tucked neatly under arm. She was seeing him to the door looking domestic as all hell with her hair in curlers. He turned and they kissed briefly. For some reason I couldn't begrudge him that kiss. I was almost glad he was getting the chance to kiss her good-bye. It was his last chance. He was welcome to all he could get.


He reached the sidewalk and turned away from me heading for the railroad station. I drove up behind him. Slowly. The gun felt cold now even with the rubber glove.


I drew up even with him braked quickly leaned across the seat toward him. Now he turned at the sound — not hurriedly not scared but wandering what was coming off.


I pointed the gun at him and squeezed the trigger.


Chapter 1


The lobby was air-conditioned and the rug was the kind you sink down into and disappear in without leaving a trace. The bellhops moved silently and instantly and efficiently. The elevators started silently and stopped as silently and the pretty girls who jockeyed them up and down did not chew gum until they were through working for the day. The ceilings were high and the chandeliers that drooped from them were ornate.


And the manager's voice was pitched very low his tone apologetic. But this didn't change what he had to say. He wanted the same thing they want in every stinking dive from Hackensack to Hong Kong. He wanted money.


"I don't want to bother you Mr. Gavilan" he was saying. "But it is the policy of the hotel to request payment once every two weeks. And since you've been here slightly in excess of three weeks —"


He left that one hanging in the middle of the air smiling and extending his hands palms-up to show me that he didn't like to talk about money. He liked to receive it but he didn't like to talk about it.


I matched his smile with one of my own. "Wish you'd told me sooner" I said. "Time flies so fast a man can't keep up with it. Look I want to get upstairs and change now. Suppose you have the bill ready for me when I come back downstairs. I have to go to the bank anyway. Might as well kill two birds with one stone so to speak. Pick up some money and settle my tab for the moment."


His smile was wider than mine. "Of course we'll be happy to take your check Mr. Gavilan That is —"


"No point to it" I said. "My account's with a Denver bank. It'd take weeks before the check would clear. But I've got a draft on a bank in town. So just have the bill ready when I get downstairs and I'll pay you in cash later this afternoon. Good enough?"


It was definitely good enough. I walked over to the elevator and settled myself in it without calling out my floor. When you stay at the Benjamin Franklin for a day or two the operator remembers where you live.


I got off at the seventh floor and found my room. The chambermaid hadn't gotten around to it yet and it was the same mess I had left behind me when I went down for breakfast. I sat on the unmade bed for a minute or two wondering just how much the tab was going to come to at Philadelphia's finest hotel. One hell of a lot no matter how I figured it. Better than three weeks at ten dollars a day. And better than three weeks of signing for meals signing for the liquor room service sent up signing for laundry service and dry cleaning and every other service Philadelphia's leading hotel had to offer. An impressive sum.


Maybe five hundred dollars. Maybe less maybe more.


One hell of an impressive sum.


I reached into my pocket and found my wallet. I took out my money and counted it. It came to a little over a hundred bucks. And needless to say there was no draft on a Philly bank no account with a Denver bank no stocks no bonds no nothing. There was a hundred bucks plus and that was all there was to the world.


I found a cigarette and lighted it thinking how lucky I was that they'd carried me for almost a month without hinting for money. Most people get picked up on less than that Fortunately I was cagy and I had been playing it cool. I didn't just come on like a deadbeat. That's important.


For instance I never signed for tips. Two reasons for that. For one thing I didn't see any percentage in conning bellhops and waitresses who were probably as broke as I was. And when people sign for tips they get watched closely. Everybody watched them.


So I tipped in cash and I tipped heavy — a buck to a bellhop a straight twenty per cent to a waitress. It was expensive but it was worth it. It had paid off.


I got out of my clothes and went into the can for a shower. I took the hot spray first then the cold. I like showers. They make me feel human.


While I toweled off I looked at myself in the mirror. The front was still there — the hard body the sloping shoulders the suntan the narrow waist the muscle. I looked solid and I looked prosperous. My luggage was top-grain cowhide and my shoes were expensive. So were my suits.


I was going to miss them.


I got dressed in a hurry and I put everything on my back that I could. I wore plaid bathing trunks under my slacks and a knit shirt under the silk one. I stuck cashmere socks — two pairs of them — between my feet and my shoes. I wore my best tie and stuck my second best tie in my pocket. I used all four tie clips on it — the jacket covered them up.


And that did it. Anything else would have made me bulge like a potato sack and I did not want to bulge. I stuck the wallet in my pocket left the room a little messier than it had been and rang for the elevator.


The manager had my tab ready for me when I hit the lobby again. It was a big one. It came to a resounding total of six hundred and seventeen dollars and forty-three cents a little more than I had figured. I smiled at him and thanked him and left mulling over the bill as I walked.


The bill of course was made out to David Gavilan.


David Gavilan of course is not my name.



人物形象,故事背景,类型小说开篇惯例的悬念……无不是几句话就勾勒分明,从故事性及娱乐性来说,老萝卜这尊大佛算是给成人童话市场大大的长脸了。而他名声卓著的唠叨,在这个故事里已经略见端详。虽然不至于象Chuck Palahniuk那样一段话就下一个定论,来句格言式的诠释。但其故事中的人物无论主角配角甚至惊鸿一现,他们的一言一行好多时候是可以拿来为人生作注的!



Something else. To share with her maybe. Or maybe the nagging knowledge that every time the *** takes hold of her she slips that much further away from me. Something like that I don't know. But one of these days or weeks or months I'll take that shot for myself.


I think we're going to be very something together. Whatever it is at least it will be together. And that's what I wanted isn't it?



