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The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition《Non-Fiction 写作》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 13:41:53
  • 44

Nobel laureate (1976) Milton Friedman wrote:

People often excuse bad writing by saying that they know

what they mean and simply have difficulty expressing it.

That is nonsense. If you cannot state a proposition clearly

and unambiguously you do not understand it.



Non - fiction的写作绝非简单所以作者给出了如下建议:

• Think 'reader'.

• Plan.

* The Golden Rule: every word should lead your reader forward.

• Seek out and eliminate all ambiguity actual or potential.

• In complex sentences get subject verb object down as quickly

as possible.

• Use variety and balance.

• Give your paragraphs both unity and flow.

* Clarity clarity clarity.

* Remember – you are being creative.

除去书中对于英语写作特点的建议对于Non - Fiction 写作作者着重强调了三点.



3.Non - fiction 写作也是一种创作的过程绝对不容易!
