from selbsterhaltung
I'm a strange loop
and so no one should have trouble with the idea that "the same hopes and dreams" can inhabit two different people's brains especially when thoes two people live together for years and have as a couple engendered new entities on which these hopes and dreams are all centered. perhaps this seems overly romantic but it is how i felt at the time and it is how i still feel. the sharing of so much particularly concerning our two children aligned our souls in some intangible yet visceral manner and in some dimensions of life turned us into a single unit that acted as a whole much as a school of fish acts as single-minded higher-level entity.
本文由作者笔名:小小评论家 于 2023-03-26 13:41:37发表在本站,文章来源于网络,内容仅供娱乐参考,不能盲信。
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