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Gating in Cerebral Networks《mainly about cortical states》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 12:56:30
  • 90

The territory of Mircea Steriade. About various oscillations in corticothalamic systems their molecular cellular and circuitry mechanisms their possible functions in learning&memory pathology and so on. The central part is Chp5 and Chp6 about slow wave and neuromodulation. As the last book of him elegant discussions with reference ranging from 1940s to 2006 (with some exceptions even before 1900) make it attracting. (although something are repeated in different places......)

My most interested part is about the parallel pathway from brainstem to cortex and the spindle plasticity. And his astounding techniques.

Denis Pare added the amygdala part I think. That can be regarded as a separate book. The main content is about the role of intra-amygdaloid circuitry in fear conditioning with simplified anatomy and some clinical contents alongside. Although it can be treated more cleanly it is interesting.

