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Beacon Fire and Shooting Star《还没看,先摘译一点提要》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 12:54:16
  • 60



Wedged between Han and Tang the two energetic and enduring empires this period has traditionally considered a social and political “dark age” a stage of preparation for the brilliant accomplishments of the Tang literary masters and consequently a phase of transition an almost four-century-long hyphen between great empires.

Chapter 1 The Rule of Emperor Wu


Chapter 2 Mapping the Cultural World (I): Managing Texts


Chapter 3 Mapping the Cultural World (II): Contextualizing Taste


Chapter 4 The Pleasure of the Superfluous: Palace style Poetry


Serving no practical function in the management of the state resisting political allegory and canonization many Palace style poems are furthermore about useless superfluous objects such as dust a broken bridge and reflections in water; as such they pose a serious threat to a totalizing cultural system that demands any surplus be appropriated and contained.

Chapter 5 Illusion and Illumination: A New Poetics of Seeing

挖掘宫体诗背后蕴含的佛教教条。宫体诗是一种感受和捕捉高度个别的瞬间(highly particular moments)的诗学。这种新诗学的核心,是佛教关于念(thought instant)的观念。这一章集中讨论了一组有关灯、烛的文学文本。

The fleeting images of light and shadow observed by the court poets with fascination and intensity best illustrate the new poetics of seeing embodied in this body of literature.

Chapter 6 “Suppression of the Light”: Xiao Gang Prince and Poet


Chapter 7 The Cultural Construction of the North and South


In the Chinese cultural imagination the North and South have long been associated with a set of fixed characteristics or gender stereotype: the North is tough austere and masculine; the South soft sensuous and feminine.

包括南朝边塞诗的产生;南北双方以采莲表现“江南”的诗歌;以及南朝宫廷里的南北方民歌之保存与演唱。作者认为这是南北双方积极构建地域身份认同的结果(a consequence of the active construction of regional identities in discursive forms)。这一过程肇始于3-4世纪,其盛期却并非在南北朝晚期出现,而是在大一统的隋唐。

Chapter 8 Parting Ways


Well educated sophisticated proud of his elite clan lineage and keen to pass on family’s cultural heritage to his descendents. To Yan Zhitui the fall of the Liang was more than just the collapse of one dynasty; it equaled the devastation of civilization itself.


In many ways Yan Zhitui was writings provide the perfect foil for those of Yu Xin. If Yan Zhitui was prosaic in his sentiments and in his choice of literary median Yu Xin was the quintessential poet.


Taken together Shen Jiong’s Yan Zhitui’s and Yu Xin’s writings speak eloquently to us of personal human tragedies against a vast canvas of war destruction and displacement.

Epilogue The Aftermath and the Romanticization of the Liang


The Epilogue “The Aftermath and the Roamnticization of the Liang” looks at how the Liang was romanticized during the Tang and how the most enduring image of the Liang—melancholy sensuous and decadent—was in fact fashioned by the late Tang poets and reflects the cultural ambience of the late Tang rather than of the Liang dynasty itself. The Liang was an energetic era characterized not by decadence but by a robust spirit fascinated with beginning and innovations.

案:个人认为尾声倒是全书的华彩,特别欣赏作者对梁代的概括(a robust spirit)。我一直坚信,在文化上,南朝不是死路,而是起飞。

