I started reading this book way I back in June when I was still in China and only finished it in December and in the outskirts of Boston. But it is not because it is slow and boring (it's quite the opposite) just cause I started working reading for pleasure isn't what it used to be.
However it's quite depressing to start the book. As it give the grim side of the ending at the very beginning from the point of view of Mr. Lockwood so reading story felt like watching a train speeding towards broken bridge. The characters have probably the most passionate exchanges I have ever read. And it has the ability to make me feel for characters involved; even though in reality I wouldn't want to have any of them around for dinner.
Don't know if I giving away the book but I feel far less sympathetic for first generation of Heathcliff Earnshaw and Linton than the second generation. The events and tragedy of first generation seems to be caused more by their own character flaws and the actions but those the seconded generation are a by-product of their circumstances. For example I regard Linton Heathcliff as tragedy his father’s desire for revenge but Hindley Earnshaw is just an ass.
But all in all a great book with passionately written prose and a great story. I’m somewhat depressed after reading this book… As Mr. Lockwood gaze upon the three headstones who would have known all the passion desire and human emotions that was once so important to those whom lie beneath. Well now I sound like Buddhist…
Ps. Does anyone actually like the older Cathy? I can stand the younger Cathy (sometimes she’s nice) the older Cathy has to be the most selfish person I ever know passionate but selfish…
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