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新月《Just some thoughts of me》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 11:41:36
  • 54

With two days' effort I finnally fininshed the reading of the book "New Moon" for an undescriptable reason I stick on the not so fluent reading. Sometimes I did skip because of my tied of the long sentences of description. But I am really glad that I made it.

I like Bella she is such a special girl. Though a common girl I believe that she is one of the most powerful in spiritual in the vampire story. And she did a great job in capturing the heart of the fantastic glory Edward. I wish I could be like her in my love story.

And the book is not simply as someone said a book for innocent and lack of social experience girls favor. Love is in that way. As I always believed. Girls must be strong in their minds beg sometimes when you really want him clear sometimes when you know where his problem is. Not always independent or dependent on him. You are one and sometimes you are two different people. And don't pretend to be anyone else. Honest or part of it is the best policy.

What a great talent instinct Bella possesses!
