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  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 11:41:09
  • 83

As is clear from Jennie’s outline of the development of Hall’s own work and his own thinking on culture and difference no discipline stands still and the development of ideas and approaches must continue to develop. What Hall achieved at Birmingham therefore was a work of its own time and place. It was particularly significant in placing the University of Birmingham on the international stage but it can never be set in stone and allowed to fossilise. The University of Birmingham has moved on as we have recognised that Cultural Studies is not something done by a few scholars who are interested in that kind of thing but that it is something that is central to the study of History Languages Archaeology Area Studies Law Geography Sociology Education and even Religion which is my own main field of study. None of us would be doing what we are doing now without the pioneering work of Stuart Hall and his colleagues at the Centre for Cultural Studies but also it is clear that there is no longer a need for a specific discipline of Cultural Studies in its traditional sense it is now fundamental to the whole academic project. This again is why it is so important for Hall’s ideas and those of other cultural and social theorists to be made available to new audiences and for the scholarly community in China to be able to read such a clear and lucid account of his theories.

I really enjoyed the time I spent with Jennie while she was in Birmingham and my students and I were stimulated by her contributions to our own discussions and thinking. I am therefore very happy to be able to recommend this book to the Chinese audience and to hope not too long in the future it will help to generate a new Chinese Cultural Studies with new scholars such as Jennie whose work will need to be interpreted and translated for those of us who need to hear about it in the UK and beyond.

Martin D. Stringer

University of Birmingham

United Kingdom
