I am the author. Addison Wesley have decided not to publish this book :-(.
You can now download a pdf of the book from the books web page (amazon reviews don't seem to appear if they contain a url).
Hint. Search google using the three words: knosof book sentence
这本书也是采用对C Standart进行annotation的形式,不过内容要丰富的多(将近2000页呢)相对于C99Rationale,这个似乎更为详细。把本书当作一个reference,哪里不明白就挑哪里看,从头看到尾恐怕有点太恐怖~~~
本文由作者笔名:小小评论家 于 2023-03-26 11:16:12发表在本站,文章来源于网络,内容仅供娱乐参考,不能盲信。
本文链接: http://www.w2mh.com/show/39528.html