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对冲基金风云录《keep on buying》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 10:14:32
  • 84

Recently an economist of Hong Kong published an article to say that the recent price fluctuation of commodity is a conspiracy of Euro and American. He says that China lost huge money on the price hike and dip. All investment China bought at the height of price hike has suffered great loss after price dip. Like bought oil at $147 and it only worth $40 today. Same thing happened in company market as well. Russia lost ownership of their enterprise and commodity at the world economy recession. Westerner encourage Russian to burrow money to accelerate their nation build and company expansion with Russian oil revenue at $147 per gallon and mortgaged their ownership of commodity and enterprises.

There are a lot of truths in these words. However China should keep on buying commodity like oil field All kind of mineral field and farm land. Price for these commodities are low today. Keep on buying will average down the purchase cost. There are only limited commodities in the globe. China need huge amount of commodities in the near future to build a better life for his citizen. At the time of good economic not only the price will be much higher westerner may not even want put it out for sale. US dollar will depreciate further and further. It is not a bad idea to have more physical assets on hand.
