书的副标题是:Musing of Why God is Good and Faith isn't Evil.
Key words: Faith Religion Science
2008年,David Myers的一本新书,我拿到的时候已经是2009年的年初了,在春节回家的火车上看了一半,迷迷糊糊。今天把剩下的看完了。
不得不说:作为一个基督教徒,同时作为一个资深心理学家,Myers实在是这本书的非常适合的作者。作者在书中尽可能谦和与客观地与无神论者或者说怀疑论者就很多关于信仰、宗教、科学、进化等方面的东西进行讨论(我的感觉就是他在跟你说话)。不是一般的说教,不是刻板的论文,更不是传教,感觉像是一位老者在跟你面对面的交谈,平和而关切,博学而充满耐心。真的如书名说写的那样:A Friendly Letter.
在纠正了一些习以为常的对宗教的误解(我承认,我对宗教存在很多误解,很多是无知),诚恳地承认了很多以宗教之名犯下的罪恶,并列举了宗教和信用对人类健康、社会稳定等方面的正面影响之后,作者认为:“Surely in some ways I'm wrong you're wrong we're all wrong. We glimpse ultimate reality as in a dim mirror constrained by our cognitive limits. Perhaps then we can draw wisdom from both skepticism and spirituality by anchoring our lives in a rationality and humility that restrains spirituality with critical ***ysis and in a spirituality that nurtures purpose love joy and hope”.
False and Dangerous?
My Assuptions
Mea Culpa
The Dance of Fanatics and Infidels
Simplistic Stereotypes
The Heart of Science and Religion
The Skepics' Boys Club
Inseparable Body and Soul
Does Prayer "Work"?
The Benevolent Fine-Tuned Universe
Big Ideas and Biblical Wisdom
Secularism and Civility
God and Gays
(Nominal)Religion Feeds Prejudice
Godliness and Goodliness
Happy Faith-Heads
Healthy Faith-Heads
Does Explaining Religion Explain It Away?
The Leap of Faith
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