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Entropy in Control Engineering《Chapter 6: ENTROPY CONTROL OF ECOSYSTEMS

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 09:18:52
  • 73

Prof. Saridis summarize in the first paragraph of Chapter 6: ENTROPY CONTROL OF ECOSYSTEMS of the book:

"The derivation of Automatic Control from Global Entropy did not generate any new formulations of the subject. It simply generalizes its meaning and relates it to other global systems that use entropy as a residual energy. Thus Automatic Control may be applied to improve the behavior of societal economic environmental and similar systems that affect our modern society (Brooks Wiley 1988 Coveney Highfield 1995 Prigogine 1980 1996 Rifkin 1989)."

[Evolution as Entropy: Toward a Unified Theory of Biology Daniel R. Brooks and EO Wiley.—2nd ed 1988]

[Frontiers of Complexity Peter Coveney Dr. Roger Highfield 1995]

[From Being To Becoming Ilya Prigogine1980]

[La Fin des: temps chaos et les lois de la nature Ilya prigogine 1996]

[Time Wars Jeremy Rifkin 1989]

What a understanding!
