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No Longer Human《The Dark Side of Human》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 08:59:41
  • 83

It is not a long story so that I can finished it within one week.

It is just a portrait of a man who considered he was disqualified as a human being but wore the mask of clown to deceive others for survival. But in the end he totally drowned himself in drugs.

During the reading period however I usually shut up the book and go out for some fresh air because I am not sober and strong enough to undertake so many negative feelings. I used to think English is a sort of cool and rational language (perhaps the most of books I read are associated with science and technology) not like Chinese which is emotional. However this book though translated from Japanese likes a mirror reflecting the ingrained darkness of human beings and hopeless emptiness of life. Dazai undoubtly got the talent to accurately express the dreadful and painful feelings shared by everybody.

I believe some are born to be outsiders of this world. They aren't able to think and feel like others but for survival the only thing they can do is to feign hence the daily life in a way is excruciated for them. Perhaps someday some of them can be saved by religion drugs or something but the rest must be suffered pains until the end of their life that is so called perdition.

p.s. While writting down these words the horrible decapitateion news came and the criminal comes from the same university as mine. Plus he was the top student in our uni. Until now the reason why he killed her is still unclear. But all I want to say is that the shadow perpetually exists under the sun and the hypostasis of human being is so complicated that we cannot understand.
