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Into the Wild《由一些句子而带来的思考》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 08:25:58
  • 78


他在给RON的信中提到的 “The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experience and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon” 这也是旅行为什么如此吸引我们中大多数人的主要原因,至少对我来说是这样。旅途对我们这一类人有着无穷的魅力。而Chris不过是当中比较极端的例子。我想他对大自然的感受一定更为深刻,因此在旁人看来是如此的不解。为什么有那么多的人要急于去批评他们根本不了解的情感与事物呢?



It is easy when you are young to believe that you deserve to assume that if you want something enough it is your God-given right to have it. When I decided to go to Alaska that April like Chris McCandless I saw a raw youth who mistook passion for insight and acted according to an obscure gap-ridden logic. I thought climbing the Devils Thumb would fix all that wrong with my life. In the end of course it changed almost nothing. But I came to appreciate that mountains make poor receptacles for dreams. And I lived to tell my tale.


那次去西藏尼泊尔的旅程中的确经历了很多意想不到,带来了很多丰富的经历。但回到原来的生活中,我很无奈地发现It changed almost nothing.自己又回到那个茫然不知自己毕业后要干嘛的大学生。反而由于看到更多而带来关于人生更多的思考和困惑。


At that stage of my youth death remained as abstract a concept as non-Eulidean geometry or marriage . I didn’t yet appreciate its terrible finality or the havoc it could wreak on those who’d entrusted the deceased with their hearts. I was stirred by the dark mystery of mortality.

Chris只是follow his heart 他的死其实很大程度是一个accident。书末还有一个小细节,在探讨他为什么不生火求救时,Chris的妹妹提到Chris是绝不会为了自己个人的性命而把整个森林至于危险之中的那种人。我们大多数人能这样关心我们周围的世界吗?
