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电影巴黎《Cinéma Paris: great comparison》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 08:11:56
  • 53


What is artistic film?

What is artistic cinema?

Maybe you know the answer to the first question but I am sure you are not clear about the second question without reading Peng Yiping's Cinéma Paris.

Peng Yiping is from Taiwan and in her book she mentioned that she watched many films in her childhood and those experiences are unforgettable. Comparing the films cinemas in her childhood to nowadays she is very lost and such emotion is full of her book. Indeed I can share her feelings if we compare the films in mainland to those in Taiwan which are worse? Definitely you got the answer.

The author divides the book into four parts: the culture the art the cinema and the appendix. Only the cinema part is different from the others and the others' boundaries are blur. From this I believe that the author loves films so much so sometime she even blends them.

The author got a master degree on film in Université Panthéon-Sorbonne-Paris and lived in Paris many years so this book is a really great guidebook to visit the cinemas in Paris and enjoy the atmosphere of film in Paris. It said that the author can speak Latin German Japanese French and English so I guess the author can obtain different feelings from the films.

All in all this book makes a great comparison of films and cinemas in France and Taiwan; hence I obtain a clear sense of the disparity between mainland Taiwan and France. In a nutshell this is a great guidebook!

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