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'Tis《Notes for 'Tis》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 07:39:38
  • 47

Re-reading it......as always I'd like you to read whatever I like.

Yes'...it's very hard going through life not saying what comes to your tongue.'

'"I'm trying to reduce the body to bare necessity. The world is too much with me. Know what I mean? Too much flesh."'

'It was the way they had of not being able to say no so that no turned into acid in their guts and destroyed their lives.'

'It reminds her of Dickens though I don't know how that can be because everything in Dickens always ends well.'

'If my mother were here she'd be puzzled. She'd wonder why these women complain. Lord above she'd say they have everything. They are warm and clean and well fed and they complain about everything.'

'The man wants to argue with me but I won't give him satisfaction. It's better to wald away and leave him to the height he grew as my mother used to say.'

'We should fight back. No son. God he's calling me son. No son. I don't have time for fighting back. I won't step on their ground. I pick my own fights. I have a son in college. I have a wife who is ailing and still cleaning offices at night on Broad Street. Eat your sandwich mon.'

'The great Boss presses the button for the elevator and while he's waiting he shoves a finger up his nose looks at what he has on his fingertip and flicks it away on the carpet. My mother would call that digging for gold.'

'...I could practice the silence I learned in the army and go my own way which is the best thing of all because people who torment other people with strange words don't like it when you go your own way.'

'People don't appreciate not having asthma. They sit around moaning and bitching about life and all the time breathing breathing nice and normal and taking it for granted. Give'em one day of asthma and they'll spend the rest of their lives thanking God with every breath they take just one day.'

'Many a man made his way in America by the sweat of his brow and his strong back and it's a good thing to learn your station in life and not be getting above yourself. They tell me that's why God put the pride at the top of the Seven Deadly Sins so that young fellas like me won't be getting off the boat with big notions.'

'People all around the lounge we laughing and Mam threw her head back and laughed herself and you could see from the shine in her eyes she was having the time of her life.'

'They have to admit Odysseus was cool the way he tried to dodge the draft acting crazy an'all and they like the way Achilles fooled him because Achilles is nowhere near as smart as Odysseus but like they can't believe he's stay away twenty years fighting and fooling around and expect Penelope to like sit there spinning and weaving and telling the suitors get lost. Girls in the class say they can believe it they really can that women can be true forever because that's the way women are...'

'"Save your emotions for bigger things."'

Not bad...hah
