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Pet Sematary《R u also touched by the Wendigo?》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 04:15:10
  • 87

So Jesus said "Lazarus come forth" because if he didn't call the man by the name possibly all the dead would have rose from the graveyard.

We Chinese have stories about resurrection of the dead but the dead always come back on a call of love and returns to relive a love story.

King's dead is brought back to life also on a call of love and grief but it turns out horrible and dangerous.

So you can't not cross the barrier between life and death.

The little boy returning to kill reminds me of the movie "chucky". I watched one episode only "Bride of Chucky" and that was quite enough. Ssssssscary.

Fortunately none of my four cats smell of dirt.

It's a scary story but highly attractive. It's such a pageturner that I had to finish it in the dragon boat festival holidays. You just can't put it down unfinished. You can hardly sleep well without going to the ending.

But once you r there the chilly feeling crawls on your back...like u r touched by the Wendigo too...and don't you hear slow steady footsteps mounting your stairs?
