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  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 04:05:39
  • 36

C1 尽管躲在桌子底下偷喝“伐木工”酒,常常和害怕输钱的精神脆弱者打牌赢钱……

In spite of drinking lumberjacks under the table regularly winning at poker with stone-hearted psychopaths who didn't like to lose

Lumberjacks是一种鸡尾酒,Granny Sugars为何要躲在桌子底下偷喝呢?应该是喝得醉倒在桌子底下。


C2 难闻的橡胶草莓混合味继续刺激着我的鼻子……

Sneezing out the tickle of chlorine and the tang of burning strawberry jam dripping squishing I ascended with somewhat less heroic flair than John Wayne in Sands of Iwo Jima.

“橡胶草莓混合味”? 什么玩意?原文章中明明是“漂白水和烧焦的草莓酱的混合气味”

C3 霍顿·巴克斯是《马拉维拉郡时代》的出版人,据说二十年前,他在俄勒冈州的树林里徒步旅行时曾和野人一起共餐。他本人极力宣传此事,我虽不知道这是否属实,却也没有根据去怀疑,毕竟这不在我生活经历的范畴之内。

Horton Barks was the publisher of the Maravilla County Times. Twenty years ago in the Oregon woods while hiking he'd had dinner with Big Foot — if you can call some trail mix and canned sausages dinner.In truth I don't know for a fact that Horton had dinner with Big Foot but that's what he claims. Given my daily experiences I'm in no position to doubt Horton or anyone else who has a story to tell about an encounter with anything from aliens to leprechauns.


漏译if you can call some trail mix and canned sausages dinner,其中trail mix是一种国内读者不太熟悉的食品,用干果和葡萄干等做成的什锦拼盘

部分漏译I'm in no position to doubt Horton or anyone else who has a story to tell about an encounter with anything from aliens to leprechauns.

C9 客厅基本延续了厨房狼藉的风格。散了架的硬纸书一看就是从旧货市场买来的。地板上,沙发上,茶几上,到处都是杂志。这些杂志就是你预料中的那种,文章中配有大量女人的裸体照,还经常出现各种壮阳药和保证某种器官功能正常的小广告——我指的器官当然不是大脑。

The sparsely furnished living room proved to be as dreary and as marked by disorder as the kitchen. Old battered paperbacks no doubt purchased at a used-book store and magazines littered the floor the couch the coffee table.The magazines were what you might expect. Photos of nude women were featured between articles about extreme sports fast cars and pathetic seduction techniques all surrounded by ads for virility herbs and for devices guaranteed to increase the size of the average man's favorite body part by which I do not mean his brain.

paperback 应该是平装本书。

漏译多处,譬如The sparsely furnished、extreme sports fast cars and pathetic seduction techniques、the average man's favorite body part



The paperbacks surprised me. They were romance novels. Judging by the cover illustrations these were of the more chaste variety in which bosoms seldom heaved and bodices were not often lustily ripped open. They were stories less concerned with sex than with love and they were a peculiar counterpoint to the magazines full of women fondling their breasts spreading their legs and licking their lips lasciviously.

这段译文称为“编译”都不太妥当。“言情小说”漏掉“言情”二字,“封面图案cover illustrations”成了“封面和插图”

in which bosoms seldom heaved and bodices were not often lustily ripped open、They were stories less concerned with sex than with love均漏译

C14 他(猫王)在我们对面坐下,含着眼泪向莱塞特——更确切地说,是她的大腿——微笑。即使过世,他仍然喜欢女人。

Elvis returned from the swimming pool and sat in a lawn chair opposite us. He was weeping again. Through his tears he smiled at Lysette — or at her cleavage. Even in death he likes the ladies.

cleavage,因为有一个义项是 The state of being split or cleft; a fissure or division,也即"分叉",所以译者就想歪了,可惜字典里早有定义,Informal. The hollow between a woman's breasts,所以就***变大腿,乌鸡变凤凰~~
