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10 Good Questions About Life And Death《抄书狼,大浪淘沙》

  • 小小评论家小小评论家
  • 书评
  • 2023-03-26 02:34:00
  • 68

P5 He spends most of his time in the market place in Athens trying to draw people into conversation. Not just anybody-bigwigs generals politicians aristocrats so-called philosophers and young men who think of themselves as the bigwigs of the future. And not just any conversation-Socrates is concerned much as I am here first with questions of value with what makes life worth living and second with questions about these questions-what are they like?why are they tricky?where are the answers? His tactic usually is to feign ignorance catch his targets off guard flatter them and then get them to make fools of themselves. They hate him for it. And in the end it costs him his life.

P57 But the whole notion of posthumous harms-broken promises dashed hopes violations to the body-strikes me as suspect.

P59-60 And perhaps we'll live on in multiple ways. Our children remember us preserve our photos and they inherit our genes our quirks.

True or false a belief in literal survival is often a considerable comfort. And then if such a belief becomes harder to swallow survival in some attenuated sense can seem the next best thing.
