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爱,死亡和机器人 第三季《脑洞大开》



- Unless they die free of governmental constraints

- it shows the day of 2025/4/12 the first spaceship to Mars. Who are you expecting? Elon Musks? Hahaha


- let conscious be your guide

- Revenge no one protects me when I was in dangerous I will kill you all as return. Cos the trust is not existed.


- The ***ing hallucinations

- Language is data radio is medium sulfur is triboelectric

- Neural configuration may be preserved may be death may be live


- So ironic the cheeky cemetery sex woke up the zombie and spread all over LA

- white House arrogant ignorance of walking dead invasion destroy whole world by ending the final death in Vatican


- A killing honey badger

- Mocking the CIA experiment failure


- we human are not so very different adrift on ancient chemical tides submerged in the warm ebb and flow of life

- Intelligent is not the winning survivor trait We won’t become parasite human are different..

- what different and how different vs. the swarm?…control arrogant selfish organic system?


- We need to learn to coexist with other features instead of destroying or killing.


- The god is dead embrace the sucks

- elder god of ancient deep in the mountain cave of Afghanistan. Invasion and destroy the order means death.


- golden woman fall in love with the death knight she thought he is different but he is not. He is same greedy and cruel as others.

- The final dance is the doomed death of two predators
