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Disappointment——Review on the House ofCards s03
Muddlingalong watching the third season, I feel confused, something expected before,somethingdisappointed midway,something sad afther,I will talk about this season from thefollowing aspects.
Fromthe aspect of scripts,in contrast with the novel and the TV drama of BBCversion, there have been great changes, even do not fully adapted, Claire donot arrange assassinating Frank as in the drama of BBC, in addition to theBritish and American have different political environment at home and abroad,fans don't want to see Frank die, particularly in the full vigour of life.
Fromthe aspect of characters,there is a large span. Frank as leading man is asuccessful politician in the first two seasons, although be extremely astute, andunscrupulous, but he show his outstandingly ability in  coordination, resource schedule , crisisrespond and answer challenges, such a bad and charismatic actor, is the reasonof the two seasons fascinated by so many audiences. However, in this season,Frank became dramatic expansion after be elected as president, when he facedthe team persist in wilfully and arbitrarily, a lack of respect, deliberatelystrong aggressivity, his charisma sharp decline in third season makes theresulting attenuation in watching experience.
Fromthe aspect of Scene, the third season’s view appeare more macro. As Frank takethe White House in charge,the perspective of global situation is inevitable,but Frank was not so handy as before, both home and abroad, there are too manytroubles than he could attend to single-handed, just run afther the fire episodeby episode. Compared to the previous rhythm, this season is a lot less viewingpleasure, I really feel tired for the president.

Frank and Claire’s relationship in previous seasons isa legend, even become a large number of marriage expert ***ysis object, yet inthis season the last scene of Frank and Claire's break, Frank’s frustrationlooked regrettable! The harmonious relationship between them directly become adisaster, round after round of marital crisis of confidence, Frank has noremedy but rather alone into the abyss, with very few several compromise,eventually get a heave revenge...... Two people in the step forward on the roadis apparently not consistent, Frank is not the inferiority country boy, Claire alsois not the unapproachable goddess any more...... It makes me think of the words:otherwise? Should be waiting there alone?
Thedeparture of Claire, mark staff team completely fall, Frank's political outcomealthough not say, but obviously has been unable to make improvements, this isnot the Frank in previous seasons, the powerful Mr. president behind the OvalOffice Desk.